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Sapp w K-1-fotki

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Scena MMA i K-1

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no dziwisz sie ze ma zrujnowana psyche?
swoja droga to musi byc chyba strasznie wolny...ale masa robi swoje.

Nie dyskutuj z d****em bo najpierw ściągnie cię do swego poziomu a potem pokona doświadczeniem

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Szacuny 64 Napisanych postów 17868 Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 102745

A tu to o czym wspomniał Akira

Miało to miejsce na turnieju K-1 -survival.

Minister spraw wewnętrznych w dziale Liga NHB

"The ground is my ocean, I'm the shark, and most people don't even know how to swim."
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 64 Napisanych postów 17868 Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 102745

wielu ludzi potrzeba aby obalić Sappa ;)

Minister spraw wewnętrznych w dziale Liga NHB

"The ground is my ocean, I'm the shark, and most people don't even know how to swim."
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 64 Napisanych postów 17868 Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 102745
a tu opis tej walki

Dobry heeheh

"Next up was the K-1 debut of Bob "The Beast" Sapp, an ex-Minnesota Vikings NFL player who has been training with the highly-respected American fighter Maurice Smith. The atmosphere for this bout was set at the pre-event ANA Toyama Hotel press conference. Holding an 8x10 glossy picture of his opponent Tsuyoshi Nakasako, who trains at the Zebra 244 Gym, Sapp boomed out: "He's a zebra, and we all know what happens when a zebra meets a beast." At this point Sapp crumpled and then ate Nakasako's picture. "The Beast looks forward to cleaning his teeth with the zebra's bones." Sapp then stood up and knocked over a table, glaring at his opponent. Offered a startled Nakasako, "I'll do my best."

Well, what a fiasco this fight turned out to be. Sapp first used his 10cm height and 65k weight advantage to bulldoze Nakasako into the corner, then felled his opponent with some big sloppy punches. But "The Beast" didn't stop there, bringing an elbow down on the crumpled Nakasako, then putting a couple more punches in for good measure before the referee could separate the fighters. Sapp was given a red card, and after a two minute break the fight was restarted, or, perhaps the better word would be "replayed." Again, Sapp marched Nakasako into the corner and down to the canvas, only this time came in on his downed opponent with a stomping attack. When it became evident that the referee was powerless to stop the beating, Nakasako's cornermen entered the ring and pounced on Sapp. They were followed by the ringside doctor, judges and referees, and several officials, including K-1 President Kazuyoshi Ishii. In a matter of seconds, ten bodies were wrestling Sapp to the canvas. After a confused consultation, Sapp was declared disqualified.

At the post-fight interview, Japanese media asked Sapp if he was aware that K-1 rules prohibit elbows, hitting a fighter when he is down, and stomping. In his defense, Sapp claimed that Nakasako had thrown the first dirty blow, "So he became fair game." Continued Sapp, "The Beast is not happy with the disqualification, we know The Beast was stronger, we know who really won the fight!" The question remains, does "The Beast," who got a roar of applause upon leaving the arena, really understand the K-1 rules? We'll have to wait for next time to find out.

Niedługo postaram się ją załatwić to wrzuce gdzieś na www

Minister spraw wewnętrznych w dziale Liga NHB

"The ground is my ocean, I'm the shark, and most people don't even know how to swim."
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Szacuny 0 Napisanych postów 426 Na forum 21 lat Przeczytanych tematów 20149
Kurcze, skoro gosciu nawet mowi o sobie w trzeciej osobie, to musi byc niezle walniety

"I don't want knowledge, I want certainty" -- David Bowie

"I don't want knowledge, I want certainty" -- David Bowie

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 64 Napisanych postów 17868 Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 102745
Ale nikt nie ceni go za inteligencje i elokwencje..ON MA NAp*****LAC!!! i robi to bardzo skutecznie

Minister spraw wewnętrznych w dziale Liga NHB

"The ground is my ocean, I'm the shark, and most people don't even know how to swim."
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 64 Napisanych postów 17868 Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 102745

buhaah ta fota mnie zabiła

Minister spraw wewnętrznych w dziale Liga NHB

"The ground is my ocean, I'm the shark, and most people don't even know how to swim."
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 9 Napisanych postów 4047 Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 20273
Nerw mu puscil

Moderator dzialu Grappling
Luta Livre Poznan Team

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Dajcie Sappa Filho to długo nie pożyje
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PRIDE 22 - wyniki refleksje fotki

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Instytut sztuk walki sanda? slyszal ktos?

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