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Szacuny 11150 Napisanych postów 51590 Wiek 31 lat Na forum 24 lat Przeczytanych tematów 57816
chce kupic opaski na lokiec iron rebel
zna moze ktos rozmiarowke amerykanska
tak zeby pasowalo na ok 30 cm w obwodzie
Ekspert SFD
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Nowa ulepszona formuła, zawierająca szereg specjalnie dobranych ekstraktów roślinnych, magnez oraz chrom oraz opatentowany związek CAPSIMAX®.

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anubis84 Instruktor Marcin Moderator
Szacuny 17705 Napisanych postów 132210 Wiek 39 lat Na forum 14 lat Przeczytanych tematów 1460892
Ale w czym masz problem, masz wymiary podane w calach, na goglach możesz cobie wklepać sobie ile to jest jeden cal.

Jak mierzyć rozmiarówkę masz podane pod opisem produktu, wystarczy w translatora wklepać


The Iron Rebel® Elbow Sleeves are 5 inches in width and are offered in 1/2 inch increments to allow for a more accurate fit. The sizing is based on circumference. In order to get an accurate fit, use of a soft measuring tape is recommended. If you don't have a soft measuring tape, it is recommended to use a string/shoelace/thread etc... to wrap around the area, and then measure that.

*For firm tightness/compression (recommended if you have large forearms/biceps or get a big pump), order a size that is the exact measurement of the area where you plan on wearing the sleeves. (eg. If your forearm, elbow or knee measures 12.5 inches, choose the 12.5 inch Elbow Sleeve).

*For intense tightness/compression, order a size that is .5 inches down from the measurement of the area where you plan on wearing the sleeves. (eg. If your forearm, elbow or knee measures 12.5 inches, choose the 12 inch Elbow Sleeve).

Please keep in mind...If you plan on wearing the Iron Rebel® Elbow Sleeves in different locations (eg. elbow and knee) you may want to order two different sizes to get the most accurate and beneficial fit.

Care: Hand wash in sink or bowl with warm water and mild detergent. Rinse thoroughly. Air dry.

Gdyby ilość pieniędzy, jakie posiadamy, zależała od tego, jak traktujemy innych ludzi, bylibyśmy milionerami.

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