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Szacuny 91 Napisanych postów 14530 Wiek 38 lat Na forum 21 lat Przeczytanych tematów 62110
white blood się lepiej sprzedaje na bb.com niż Xpand Dymatize (obydwie wersje), Pump Tech Muscletecha, Storm Universal, NOZ Nutrabolics czy SAN CM2 a jest od niedawna na rynku!!
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Review: NO2 Products- White Blood Tester -- http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=488433

I was have given the chance this last month to test “White Blood” from Controlled Labs. I wanted to be a tester for this certain product because of my past experiences with No2 type products. I have decided to give a review on all the No2 products I have used and rate them on a scale 1-10 in strength gains, weight gain, pump, and overall. These products are in order from which I tried first to last, but not in order from best results to worst results.

MRI No2: http://www.bodybuilding.com/store/no2/no2.html
This product being the original of No2 products, and being the first supplement that really had these “perpetual pumps”, all the guys at the gyms had to give it a try. I was swept up in the craze to try this product and therefore did. I hadn’t been using any other products before this, not even creatine, so my strength gains were intense, going up 10-30 lbs on most weights. I have stacked this product with numerous Creatine products ranging from creatine mono to Anavol in the past 3 years and have always gotten the results I wanted with this product. In my mind this product was always a standout to others. The downside is consuming 8 LARGE pills a day……..at the price
Strength: 8
Weight: 3 (weight gain with all No2 products in minmal, most come from the creatine, or water)
Pump: 8
Overall: 7

Pinnacle NoX2: http://www.bodybuilding.com/store/pin/nox2.html
I decided to give this product a try after getting great results with MRI’s No2, thinking a “knock off” that cost half the price would do just as good, I was completely wrong. Pinnacles version is just straight raw Arginine without any precursors or transport system or even broken into AKKG……its just straight arginine. The pumps were minimal as well as everything else. I would not recommend this product.
Strength: 1
Weight: -1
Pump: 2
Overall: 0

MuscleTech PumpTech: http://www.bodybuilding.com/store/mt/pump.html
I was given 3 bottles of this free from a friend who works at a GNC. I decided to this product seeing how it seemed different to me will all “the extra ingredients” that were suppose to make it the ultimate “No2” product. This was false advertisement……… Even tho the pills were much smaller then MRI’s, u had to consume 10 pills a day. I saw more weight gain from water and barely an strength gains…but what do u expect from MT? Another expensive product………..
Strength: 5
Weight: 1
Pump: 6
Overall: 4

BSN No-Explode: http://www.bodybuilding.com/store/bsn/xplode.html
I was really interested in trying this product because it would be the first No2 product I would try in powder form, which got me interested because I wouldn’t have to consume 8-10 horse pills. My friend gave this a try but after using it 3x he gave it to me. I tried it for 4x and I decided to give it to my brother to try who gave it up after 2x tries and then it was finally destroyed. We all had common effects to this product, we all hated the taste of it, we felt bloated and gassy and ended up throwning up after or during our workout. I guess this is the number reason why No-Explode is returned to GNc, because of the taste, bloating and throwing up afterwards. I know lots of people use the product on these boards and thoroughly enjoy it but the product has no long-term pumps like the other products, it’s a product that gets u “amped up” before a workout giving u the pumps during the workout but leaves a couple hours later.
I cannot give this product a full review do to the lack of completing even a week on it.

Controlled Labs White Blood: http://www.bodybuilding.com/store/clabs/white.html
When I saw that Tank was looking for testers for this product I jumped all over the chance to get to test for it. Seeing as
I had a good background in No2 products I was hoping to find a product that could live up to the standard of Mri’s but instead I got a product that bettered it, which shocked me. First on this product u only have to consume 3 pills 30-60 mins before a workout, which is a relief from bad tasting powders to choking down 8-10 horse pills. Another reason this product is solid is because of the sustained pumps after the workout continuing to the next day, and even now after a couple days off the product I can still feel tightness, which only happened after continuous use from MRI’s product. Another reason this product is so solid is the price u get for a 30 day supply, unlike MRI and MT, u pay 60-80 bucks on 22.5 days. This product is outstanding and has made my list of Top Products used and is rated #1 on No2 products in my mind. As we all know, some products work best for others while some don’t work for others at all, but I think this product is solid and recommend to everyone.
Strength: 8
Weight: 4
Pump: 10
Overall: 8

GG 1844256

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 9 Napisanych postów 1993 Na forum 20 lat Przeczytanych tematów 29121
nie no musze przyznac ze ciekawie wypadl ten produkt ale ze NO2 lepiej wypadlo od pumpTech'a to tez ciekawe.

Jesli ornityna jest 4 X silniejsza od argininy to czemu tak sie podniecaja w amerykanskich gazetach ta arginina niewspominajac prawie nic o ornitynie?
i tak samo mowia sprzedawcy w sklepach

Zmieniony przez - anabolX w dniu 2005-07-20 04:46:31
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 91 Napisanych postów 14530 Wiek 38 lat Na forum 21 lat Przeczytanych tematów 62110
ornityna jest wiele droższym surowcem od argininy,
pozatym arginina najszybciej ulega syntezie do tlenku azotu. mowie o wolnej formie aminokwasu. ogolnie ornityny w stosunku do argininy potrzeba 2x mniej żeby dac ten sam efekt.
stad przychodzi na mysl wniosek -- jesli ornityna wolniej ulega syntezie do NO, tzn. że podczas treningu jest ciagle uwalniana co daje te włąsnie ciekawe efekty o ktorych piszą testerzy - ze po treningu chce im sie nadal cwiczyc

GG 1844256

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 9 Napisanych postów 1993 Na forum 20 lat Przeczytanych tematów 29121
Czyli jakie dawki bys proponowal w braniu ornityny ? bo czytalem ze niekturzy biora po 10 gr.
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 91 Napisanych postów 14530 Wiek 38 lat Na forum 21 lat Przeczytanych tematów 62110
samego aminokwasu -- po co?
nie ma sensu. chyba że sie leczysz albo chcesz na maks podniesc natualnie GH to wtedy ~12g to minimum.

GG 1844256

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 11162 Napisanych postów 51707 Wiek 31 lat Na forum 24 lat Przeczytanych tematów 57816
to ponoć hepatil jesli dobrze pamietam
głownie ornityna
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 9 Napisanych postów 1126 Na forum 20 lat Przeczytanych tematów 5124
Dzieki wszystkim za wypowiedzi w tym poscie!

99% sukcesu to chęci... jeżeli je masz to witaj w klubie:]


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