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Cwiczenia a PMS

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Exercise and PMS

Good news for female exercisers: studies show that regular exercise may help with symptoms of PMS.

Pre-menstrual syndrome, or PMS, is a series of symptoms, both physical and psychological, that happen about 10 to 14 days before a woman begins her period each month. According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, of the 85% of women experiencing these symptoms, 5-10% experience them as severe enough to interfere in daily life. PMS affects women of all races and cultural/ethnic groups, but symptoms and level of discomfort vary widely among women and specific symptoms may differ by culture.

Of the over 150 symptoms that have been linked to PMS, some include:

Physical changes--abdominal bloating, headache, weight gain, breast sensitivity, stomach fullness, constipation, and swollen hands & feet.

Emotional changes--irritability, anxiety, mood swings, tension, food cravings, and changes in sex drive.

Though symptom severity may change, they are typically the same from month to month and usually go away within 24 hours after menstruation. While there is no known cure for PMS, various popular treatments include vitamins, anti-depressants and bright light therapy. Similar to its effect on many ailments, exercise has been shown to relieve some symptoms of PMS.

In a 14-week study at George Washington University, aerobic exercise three times a week for 45 minutes was shown to significantly relieve premenstrual depression and anxiety.

A Manitoba study published in The Canadian Journal of Applied Sport Sciences revealed that a regular exercise program leading to physical fitness is effective in minimizing symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.

Numerous studies have indicated that regular aerobic exercise is beneficial in reducing PMS responses because it increases production of endorphins, which in turn may raise serotonin levels. This may have a natural painkilling effect on certain symptoms.

Since stress is also a factor in PMS, any effective treatment of PMS should include stress management. Exercise such as muscle relaxation, yoga or deep breathing may help ease stress. Regular aerobic exercise also reduces stress and promotes regular sleep patterns.

In addition to aerobic exercise, maintaining a healthy lifestyle with a good diet can also help to relieve PMS. Avoiding foods with salt, caffeine and sugar can help to relieve symptoms, and eating a balanced diet of 5 or 6 small meals daily will keep energy levels steady and prevent hunger.

If severe symptoms persist, a doctor's visit is suggested, especially before starting an exercise program. While exercise may not completely prevent PMS from occurring, regular exercise, particularly aerobic exercise, has been shown to help relieve some symptoms. For more information on PMS, visit the National Association for Premenstrual Syndrome at www.pms.org.uk. 
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