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Witam wszystkich nowym roku...
wklejam tu takie 2 artykuliki związane z brzuchem i łydkami, może komuś się przyda :)
sam mam nawet ochotę to wyprobować...

From Sticks To Diamonds- The Calf Routine for Super Growth.
If you have skinny calfs like I had, the only way you're going to build a 'great pair' is by blasting them every workout. Train them at least three times a week and vary your routine dramatically each time so your calfs wont know what hit them!

For the first 6 weeks divide your leg training routine so you are training calfs separatley fron quads and hamstrings. If you're training twice a day for eg. knock off calfs, abs and Bi's or Shoulders in the morning, and hams and quads at night or just hams or quads.

Monday (HEAVY)

Standing Calf 5x6-8
Seated Calf 5x8

Wednesday or Thursday- depending on recovery time and degree of soreness (LIGHT- Giant sets, no rest)

45degree toe press or horizontal toe press 4x12-12
Single legged DB calf raises 4x12-15
Hack Squat calf raise 4x15
Donkey calf raises (machine or traing buddy or two sitting on your lower back) 4x15

Saturday or Sunday (MODERATE TO HEAVY)

Smith Machine calf raises 4x6-8-10
Upside down Toe press 4x8
Superset Seated calf 3x8-10 with Seated Tibia raises 3x12-15 on each.

Reverse the order in which you perform the exercises each week and switch heavy day exercises with light day exercises every second week. Always aim for the pump and look for signs of growth- believe they are growing and they will.

Sretch after each heavy day of calf routine but not after each set of your giant set routine. Stretch for 5 minutes before and after all of the above routines.

Send me some before and after pics after you've committed yourself to this routine for at least 8 weeks. Remember, L-Glutamine 3 times a day and protein every 3 hours.
Feb 22, 2004 8:03 am

Schedule a one-on-one workout with Gennaro today.

Great Abdominals - Gen's 6 Week Midsection Makeover
If you're a hard gainer (or loser so to speak) in this department, dont fret, this Abdominal routine will keep you excited and give you the results you've always been aiming for.
Give your Abs priority by training them before any other bodypart, at the commencement of your session.

Weeks 1,3,& 5.
Straight legged Roman Chair leg raises 3x20-30

Bar/plate loaded crunches (with load held above torso, arms outstretched) 3x15-20

Pole twists 10 min's continuous (keep your hips fixed, knees bent and abs tight aiming for stretch in the serratus and oblique regions, exploring different angles and levels).

Kneeling Rope crunches 3x12-15 (heavy) with,
Decline crunches 3x20
Pole twists 10 minutes continuous

Twisting (hanging from chin bar) bent knee leg raises 3x20-25 on each side.

Seated Rope crunches on the cable preacher curl or equivalent(facing away from the machine)3x15-20 (heavy)
Lying on back leg thrusts (keep your legs straight at right angles to your torso and simply perform small lifts of lower back off floor) 3x20-25

Knee to chest 3x30
Wood chops 3x15-20 - a full explanation on www.checkinstitute.com
Lying leg raises or partnered medicine ball throws 3x25-50
Pole twists 5 minutes continuous.

Weeks 2,4 & 6.
For the above weeks reverse the order of exercises performed in weeks, 1,3&5 and reverse the days in which they are performed. For example Sundays routine becomes Mondays and Fridays becomes Wednesdays. Also superset those routines that weren't supersetted in Weeks 1,3&5 and don't superset the ones that were.

źródło: http://www.gennaroferra.com 

TrAiN hArDeR aNd GrOw BiGgEr !!!

Bądź blisko z przyjaciółmi, a z wrogami jeszcze bliżej

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Nowa ulepszona formuła, zawierająca szereg specjalnie dobranych ekstraktów roślinnych, magnez oraz chrom oraz opatentowany związek CAPSIMAX®.

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Fajnie jakby było po polsku.

" W kulturystyce nie jest ważne ile podnosisz tylko jak to podnosisz."

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 15 Napisanych postów 1565 Wiek 39 lat Na forum 22 lat Przeczytanych tematów 51623
to sie naucz angielskiego :P ćwiczenia sa na tyle znane ze nawet mozna sie domyslec

TrAiN hArDeR aNd GrOw BiGgEr !!!

Bądź blisko z przyjaciółmi, a z wrogami jeszcze bliżej

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mając na uwadze dzisiejszy stan koncentracji większej części społeczeństwa wątpię żeby komuś chciało się z angielskim męczyć
ale jutro to kto wieheh
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