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7-keto DHEA

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czyzby idealna, calkowicie bezpieczna forma DHEA??

Fortunately, a natural metabolite of DHEA, normally found in the human body, and which cannot be bio-transformed into androgens or estrogens, (28) is now available. And preliminary evidence indicates this "new" DHEA metabolite may be even more potent than DHEA.


7-keto DHEA (also called "7-oxo DHEA,)" is almost identical in structure to DHEA. Human skin (and other tissues) contain enzymes that convert DHEA to 7-keto DHEA in a two-stage process. (27) (Interestingly, many animal experiments with DHEA get best results if the DHEA is given subcutaneously, hinting at skin DHEA bio-processing.) Research into 7-keto DHEA has been conducted primarily by Dr. Henry Lardy and associates at the University of Wisconsin. (28, 29, 30) Based on his research, Lardy has been granted various patents on the use of 7- keto DHEA, including immune enhancement/modulation, Alzheimer's treatment and weight loss.

"7-keto DHEA has been evaluated in both preclinical studies and human clinical trials for safety. These studies show no mutagenic activity and no adverse effects for 7-keto DHEA up to doses of 2000 mg /kg in rats and 500 mg /kg in primates. It should be noted that 500 mg /kg is 3.5 grams in a normal 70 kg human." (30) Zenk notes that a clinical trial conducted to measure the effects of 7- keto DHEA on several endocrine and safety parameters in healthy adult men found 7- keto DHEA to be safe and well-tolerated at doses up to 200 mg/day of a 28-day period. (30) Zenk also reports that laboratory safety tests also showed 7- keto DHEA does not affect haematology, serum chemistry, or urine chemistry differently than healthy subjects taking placebo. (30)

Lardy has found that 7- keto DHEA (7-oxo-DHEA) is a potent increaser of liver thermogenic enzymes. He reports that "The 7-oxo-derivatives of both DHEA [i.e. 7- keto DHEA] and androstenediol are the most active compounds tested. Over the range of 0.01 to 0.1% of the diet, 7-oxo-DHEA was 2.5 times as active as DHEA." (28) Research at the University of Wisconsin found 7- keto DHEA helpful in treating primates infected with Simian Immunodeficiency Virus (SIV). CD-4 (T helper) cell counts, CD-8 cell counts, and total white blood cells increased. The SIV-infected primates also showed improvements in their physical state, increased weight, and overall improvement in behavior and clinical condition. (30)

7- keto DHEA was also shown to increase IL-2 production better than DHEA, in human lymphocytes. IL-2 is the key cytokine regulator of T-helper cells, along with interferon-gamma, which activates the immune system to "go into battle" against invading pathogens. (30) Lardy and colleagues also found 7- keto DHEA to enhance memory in 2-year old mice. "The mice were trained to negotiate a water maze and then were given DHEA or 7-keto DHEA. They were retested after two weeks. The control mice took 34 seconds [to negotiate the maze]; those on DHEA took 22 seconds; and those on 7-keto DHEA took only 7.6 seconds.

Dr. Lardy found similar results in mice using scopolamine to abolish memory. When protected with 7-keto DHEA [and given anti-memory scopolamine] the mice were able to negotiate the water maze in 6.5 seconds, compared to 11.5 with DHEA treatment and 22 seconds with scopolamine treatment only." (30).


I have been interested in DHEA since 1984. However, my personal experience with DHEA was disappointing. I found DHEA to induce a severe depression after only 1 - 3 doses. I retried DHEA about a dozen times between 1984 to 1996, always getting the same rapid-onset depression. I talked to a doctor colleague, who reported that she had the same response to DHEA, and that some 5-10% of her patients who tried DHEA also experienced a relatively rapid onset of depression (1 - 10 days). I began taking 7-keto DHEA in the fall of 1998, hoping for a different response. Much to my surprise, I found 7-keto DHEA experientially very different from DHEA. I have been taking 7-keto DHEA for about 18 months now, gradually reducing my dose from 25 mg/day to 10-15 mg/day. I have found 7-keto DHEA to be an energy enhancer, anti-cortisol stress reducer, and general revitalizing agent. I have gradually dropped 20 pounds of weight, have experienced a significant thinning of my face away from the classic cortisol "moon face" I was developing in recent years. I consider 7-keto DHEA one of my core anti-aging supplements. I have also used 7-keto DHEA to quickly revive 2 cats traumatized from combined surgical/anaesthesia/vaccine stress. My wife finds 7-keto DHEA to be the single most energizing supplement she's ever taken.

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Szacuny 25 Napisanych postów 1453 Na forum 15 lat Przeczytanych tematów 20850
nie wiem skad oni biora ta depresje na dhea u mnie dziala wrecz odwrotnie heheheh

7 keto dhea z tego co pamietam ma dosyc slaba oralna biodostepnosc.
Ogolnie ma wiele zalet nad dhea ale dla niektorych fakt ze jest pozbawiona mozliwosci konwersji do androgenow to MINUS a nie plus.

podobnie bada sie (tez bez mozliwosci konwersji do sex hormonow) 7-OH-DHEA.

Na plus standardowej dhea przemawia ez cena

Zmieniony przez - Roid_rage w dniu 2009-12-21 17:17:59

".... Then we'll see which are better, his steroids or mine"

Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 26 Napisanych postów 1538 Na forum 17 lat Przeczytanych tematów 15207
Roid_rage możesz podać firme i nazwe środka najlepiej opłacalnego, jakość cena.
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 23 Napisanych postów 3110 Na forum 16 lat Przeczytanych tematów 26608
mysle ze lepiej by juz bylo zamiast 7keto dhea wziac np superess C, bo zapewne celem by wtedy bylo obnizenie kortyzolu, dzialanie antykataboliczne. a libido samopoczucie to zwykle DHEA
Zgłoś naruszenie
Szacuny 25 Napisanych postów 1453 Na forum 15 lat Przeczytanych tematów 20850
Dhea lub jej "odmiany" maja wieksze spektrum zastosowan prozdrowotnych niz sam androstenetriol

W skrocie jak ktos nie moze brac dhea bo ma problemy z rakiem piersi (kobiety) prostata (faceci) lub inne zalezne od wahan hormonów plciowych a chce korzystac z dobrodziejstw dhea to decyduje sie na jej 7-keto odmiane.

Dla nas na pct imho jest dhea lepsza bo poprawia libido i jest jakby pula zapasowa zarowno estro jak i tescia i organizm dazac do homeostazy (zanim uruchomi produkcje tescia przez jadra) moze z niej korzystac do woli.

Jaka firme mam Ci podac??? Dhea wymienilem w poscie Slawka o dhea

Zmieniony przez - Roid_rage w dniu 2009-12-21 18:41:18

Zmieniony przez - Roid_rage w dniu 2009-12-21 18:41:38

".... Then we'll see which are better, his steroids or mine"

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